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Senior and Junior Fellows

Senior Fellows 2024

Professor Diego Bustos                                                                                                                                                 CONICET, Mendoza, Argentina

Project: Optogenetic Modulation of the cAMP/PKA/14-3-3 Trinity

Professor Diego Bustos

In optogenetics, photoreceptors enable spatiotemporally precise, reversible, and noninvasive control of cellular processes by light. Recent optogenetic approaches to regulate cell signaling, including recombination of bacteriophytochrome photosensor modules with cyclase effectors, are leading to the development of photoactivated adenylyl cyclases (PACs) that catalyze the synthesis of the second messenger 3,5-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). This second messenger, together with protein kinase A (PKA) and phospho-motif binding protein 14-3-3, form a common triad found in many cellular signaling pathways. We will use a PAC developed by the Moeglich lab to specifically modulate cAMP levels in two well-characterized PKA/14-3-3 regulatory systems: stabilization of the aryl acyl amine N-acetyltransferase protein, the key enzyme in melatonin production, and nucleus/cytoplasmic shuttling of the cAMP-responsive element-binding protein during adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 preadipocyte cells.

Host: Prof. Dr. Andreas Möglich, Chair of Photobiochemistry     


Dr Cassandra Gorman                                                                                                                                                                Anglia Ruskin University, Ely, United Kingdom

Project: Cosmological poetics and early modern English women writers, 1550 – 1700

Dr Cassandra Gorman

This project focuses on lesser-known natural philosophical and poetic writings by early modern English women (1550-1700), primarily in manuscript or in under-explored printed works. Notably, and in sympathy with Professor Florian Klaeger’s research interests, it identifies and aims to trace a remarkable cosmopoetics – a poetics associated with cosmological theories and tropes – across different forms of poetry by female writers. By exploring natural philosophical content in texts not primarily ‘scientific’ in purpose, the project rethinks the knowledge base of early modern women’s writing, as well as the history of the relations between natural philosophy – and indeed more recent scientific practice – and poetics more broadly. The intended outputs include open-access, digital editions of little-known poetic texts; an international conference at the University of Bayreuth; a critical article; and a monograph, Chemical and Astronomical Forms in Early Modern Women’s Manuscript Writings.

Host: Host: Professor Dr. Florian Klaeger, English Literature

Professor Christopher Meissner                                                                                                                                  University of California, Davis, California, USA

Project: Strategic Global Trade in the long-run. Empirical research using historical trade data

Professor Christopher Meissner

Political conflicts have a long history of threatening global trade. Especially countries that are highly integrated in an international devision of labour and global production networks are highly exposted to the risk of interrupted or affected trade relations. The collaboration will put the question into a historical setting and explore, how historical conflicts have the international economy in particular global value chains. On the base of newly gathered fine granular trade data, we study the effects of World War I on Germany’s global economic exposure as well as comparing it with other countries like the USA. The collaboration will bring historical knowledge and research experiences with great data packages together and also promote international connection for the Bayreuth History&Economics programme as well as the International Economics group (TRISTAN).

Host: Prof. Dr. Jan-Otmar Hesse, Professor of Economic and Social History

Professor Markus Stock                                                                                                                                               University of Toronto, Canada                                                                                                                                                          

Project: Medieval Undergrounds: Subterranean Entanglements in Medieval and Early Modern German Literature

Prof. Dr. Markus Stock

Utilizing ecocritical and narratological methodologies, the project explores the ways in which literary and other texts shape and are shaped by the engagement with the underground in medieval and early modern Germany. The project reconceptualizes pre-industrial extractive and other vertical entanglements between humans and the planet’s subsoil spheres, touching on creative, mythological, religious, technological, and behavioural aspects of human communities.

Host: Prof. Dr. Cordula Kropik, Chair of German Medieval Studies

Professor Eyal Winter                                                                                                                                                             Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Project: Game Theoretic and Behavioral Study of Social Media

Professor Eyal Winter

With Professor Fabian Herweg and Professor Stefan Napel at the University of Bayreuth I intend to study incentive mechanisms for online social networks. In addition to the standard game theoretic analysis we will address relevant behavioral biases (such as conformation bias or salience bias) to reflect on some of the anomalies that take place in social media and suggest remedies. We hope that the by-products of our studies will help to improve the quality of content that appears on social media, increase efficiency and fairness of social media practices, and eventually, improve users’ benefits and experience from their interactions on social media. We plan to engage junior researchers in the project and build the infrastructure for a long-term collaboration between the Center for the Study of Rationality at the Hebrew University, and academic staff members at Bayreuth University who work in similar topics.

Host: Prof. Dr. Fabian Herweg, Chair of Law, Business and Economics

Junior Fellows 2024

Dr. Philipp Braun                                                                                                                                                             Australian National University, Barton, Australia

Project: Simultaneous target set stabilization and obstacle avoidance and corresponding Lyapunov-like characterizations

Dr. Philipp Braun

Even after more than 130 years since first introduced by Aleksandre Mikhailovich Lyapunov in his doctoral thesis, nowadays so-called Lyapunov functions and related Lyapunov methods are still the main tool to characterize stability properties of solutions of dynamical systems.

While stability and stabilization (i.e., controller designs to reach a target set) and invariance and avoidance (i.e., controller designs to avoid obstacles and to guarantee safety) as individual concepts are well established and characterized, the combined problem achieving both goals at the same time is not sufficiently addressed yet.

In this project we will work towards theoretical results describing the combined control problem of simultaneous target set stabilization and obstacle avoidance using Lyapunov methods and Lyapunov-like characterizations. In addition to theoretical results, optimization and machine learning based numerical methods to address the problem will be investigated.

Host: Prof. Dr. Lars Grüne, Chair of Applied Mathematics

Dr Kan Ma                                                                                                                                                                           University of Birmingham, UK

Project: Novel chromium-based bcc-superalloys for advanced concentrated solar plant applications

Dr. Ma Kan

This project aims to develop new refractory metal based superalloys beyond the state-of-the-art nickel superalloys for advance power generation systems operating at temperatures above 900 °C. Breakthroughs in these high-performance, cost-effective materials will enable more efficient and sustainable energy production through supercritical CO2 Brayton cycles.

Host: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Silvia Ulrich, Chair of Metals and Alloys

Dr. Matthias Zußner                                                                                                                                                             Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (University of Graz), Graz, Austria

Project: The Concept of EU Digital Single Market Law

Dr. . Matthias Zußner

As the European Union has enacted countless legal acts which, taken as a whole, not only form the basic and framework order for the digital economy, but also provide fully-fledged sets of rules in many area, the EU Digital Single Market Law has not just become thematically unclear, but also seems to be losing its reference to the logics of the primary law’s foundations which it is enacted on. This raises fundamental questions, in particular with regard to the legal basis of competence (Does virtually all legislation fall under the EU's internal market competence, Art. 114 TFEU?) and the substantive guiding principles of the Digital Single Market Law (Is a new "fundamental digital freedom" emerging?). The aim of my research project on “The Concept of EU Digital Single Market Law” is to establish a coherent doctrine for the EU Digital Single Market Law.

Host: Prof. Dr. Christoph Krönke, Chair of Public Law I

Senior Fellows 2023

Professor Sang Won Bae, South Korea   Hide
Professor Christopher McNeill, Australia Hide

Junior Fellows 2023

Dr. Annelies Andries, Netherlands  Hide
Dr. Everton Maciel, BrazilHide
Dr. Frank Poulsen, SpainHide

Senior Fellows 2022

Professor Andrey Grigoriev, USAHide
Professor Jean-Michel Ménard, CanadaHide

Junior Fellows 2022

Dr. Marilize Everts, South AfricaHide
Professor Nathaniel Umukoro, NigeriaHide

Senior Fellows 2021

Professor Krzysztof Kozłowski, PolandHide
Professor Stephanus Muller, South AfricaHide

Junior Fellows 2021

Dr. Justin Begley, FinlandHide
Dr. Abdelmjid Kettioui, MoroccoHide
Dr. Violeta Radovich, ArgentinaHide
Dr.-Ing. Gianvito Vilé, ItalyHide

Senior Fellows 2020​

Professor Sarah Colvin, United KingdomHide
Dr Vincent Merckx, The NetherlandsHide
Professor Philip Smith, USAHide
Dr Heikki Takala, FinlandHide

Junior Fellows 2020

Dr Yannig Luthra, United KingdomHide
Dr Celia Rodriguez Dominguez, SpainHide

Webmaster: Susanne Lopez Enriquez

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